Our clients consist of :
- The professions, under self-employed or incorporated status
- Trading companies active at the local, national or international level
- Non-profit associations, international non-profit associations and foundations
- Private individuals (residents and non-residents)
- Architects
- Lawyers
- Consultants
- Dentists
- Property experts
- Surveyors
- Engineers
- Management
- General practitioners
- Specialist physicians
- Pharmacists
- Building contractors
- Niche commerce
- Film productions
- Commercial intermediaries
- Advertising– Marketing
- Management companies
- Joint ownership
- Insurance brokerage
- Franchises
- Multimédia
- Information technology
- Communication
- Property management
- Financial asset companies
- Holding
- Group subsidiary
- Group branch
- Belgian office or branch
- Non-profit associations
- International non-profit associations
- Foundations
- Residents
- Non-residents
- Expatriates