Launch, re-orientation and cessation of an activity
- Financial plan, use table, resources and cash-flow statement.
- Internal notes on business creation (rights and obligations).
- Optimisation and advice on status to adopt: natural person versus company.
- Formation of companies: restatement of articles of association, legal financial plan and, if necessary, referral to a notary or auditor.
- Assistance in drawing up the business plan and the lists of indicators to obtain the bank loan.
- Assistance for the reorientation of the company’s activities.
- Assistance for the cessation of the company’s activities (liquidation of companies, etc.).
- Preparation and adaptation of the chart of accounts.
- Organisation, keeping and supervision of the general and cost accounting.
- Preparation of the balance sheet and the annual operating statement and its annexes.
- Preparation of the annual financial statements in BNB format (complete or abbreviated chart).
- Keeping of legal books (inventory and centralisers).
- Periodic monitoring, audit and annual closing of accounts kept internally.
- Education and training for the customer internal accounts department.
- Reporting based on specific, internal company charts.
- Preparation of interim accounting situations and lists of indicators.
- Advice in accounting organisation (switchover from general accounting to cost accounting, computerisation, bridge between business management and general accounts, stock control, etc.).
- Advice and assistance during the public audit or the internal audit of the group.
- Analysis of balance sheets (target companies), internal and external audit, company evaluation.
- Assistance in preparing the financing or subsidy file and NSI surveys.
- Verification and processing of accounting documents.
- Audit of annual accounts.
- Assistance and representation of an associate in his right to audit.
- Certification of subsidy file for the premium liquidation.
- Assistance for registration and removing a company from the VAT records.
- Preparation of VAT returns, intra-EU lists, intrastate declaration, and the annual list of customers liable for VAT.
- Preparation of tax returns for companies (ISOC or INR/Soc.), non-profit organisations (IPM) and natural persons (IPP, INR/PP and “expatriate” executives).
- Preparation of tax forms 281.20 and 281.50 and declarations of withholding tax on dividends, interest and royalties.
- Establishment of salary structures for company executives.
- Representation and defence of tax payers before tax authorities and, if necessary (litigation), referral to a lawyer specialising in taxation.
- Optimisation of a natural person’s tax return in terms of deductions (real expenses, deductible expenses, dependents, etc.) and application of preventive double taxation treaties (taxation or exemption of income, depending on its nature and origin).
- Overall fiscal planning (and optimisation) for natural person versus company: switchover to company, assignment of business capital and goodwill, wage structure, dividend policy, VAT aspects and registration fees.
- Overall fiscal planning (and optimisation) for companies or group of companies on corporate tax (assignment, liquidation, redemption of own shares, merger, demerger), VAT (deductions, VAT unit), and registration fees.
- Tax advice on everyday management of activities and the implementation of your specific or occasional projects.
- Advice and assistance on companies law, and subsidiarily, social and commercial law, with referral to specialised lawyer.
- Assistance in drawing up the minutes of the general meeting of shareholders and the board of management or the board of directors :
- Approval of the annual financial statements
- Statutory appointments and resignations
- Transfer of the registered office
- Reading over draft notarial deeds
- Assistance in drawing up agreements for the assignment of goodwill, company shares or units, leases and loans.
- Accounting
- Tax
- Automated business management
Special Missions
- Companies evaluation
- Accompaniment to business divestitures
- Shareholder representation in case of conflicts
- Facilitate the settlement of disputes between business partners, shareholders
- Commercial or fiscal matters